Editing & changing comments & staff messages

Hello everyone,I would like to be able to edit comments, both staff & regular comments for end users that I put in. Anyone else feel the same way, it would help with mistypes & or hitting the submit button too fast.


I like the idea very much.

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This would be very helpful. I frequently make typos. More that that, I very frequently remember a tidbit of information that I needed to include in the ticket right after I click Update.
One should only be allowed to make corrections on their own comments. Also, probably only on the same day as the comment was made.

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Good point. We will start working on this ASAP. @fabiendv will create this feature.


Just started working on it :construction_worker_man:


The feature was launched last week :checkered_flag:

Have you had the opportunity to try it out? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with it.


Yes Fabiendv I have been using tremendously the only issue/ flaw I see it doesn’t tell the end user we have updated it, it would be perfect if like a 2nd email would go out or like a live updated email went out.

Thanks for the quick response!


Thanks for the feedback.

We’ll shortly work on implementing a similar system to let the end user know an update has been made.